Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So comes spring and I am stuck inside watching the snow melt from my window. Writing essays is something springy: the nauseatingly expansive number of words-to-be-written slowly melts away and then, suddenly, one feels lighter and notices the days are wamer, far warmer than before one started writing. In the midst of all this melting snow and words-to-be-written, I'm taking a break to notify you (whoever you may be....) of our intention to record an album in the coming months. Though we are a new band, we're not really so new. I've been performing a lot of these songs on my own for some time. This stuff has been working its way out of me since grade nine and Cole has been right there with me for most of that time; I've certainly been listening to Greg's music for most of that time as well, and Marie-France, well I've wanted to be in a band with her since I first saw her play bass. So, no, this album is not premature by any means. It's been a long time coming and I'm very excited to shed my wintry academic fur and record some slow to mid-tempo rock and roll music. I think you should be excited to hear the finished product.

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